Hanza Tower

Hanza Tower is one of the tallest business facilities between Berlin and the agglomeration of Gdansk, Gdynia, and Sopot located in the center of Szczecin at 50 Wyzwolenia street.

This is a modern complex of exclusive apartments, office and commercial spaces offering all amenities, including swimming pools, clubs for adults and teenagers, a launderette. The facility shall include 30 floors, including 21 residential floors, 4 office floors, 3 garage and underground floors, 2 service and business floors with elegant restaurants, cafes and high-end shops and boutiques.

The name of the investment refers to the history of Szczecin that in the Medieval Ages was one of the fastest and most effectively growing cities in the northern Europe being part of the Hanseatic League, a commercial confederation of merchant guilds

In the Medieval Ages it was considered to be an unconquerable fortress. Some people say that there was a saying "you are not safe if you are not protected by the walls of Szczecin". In 1278, the city joined the Hanseatic League becoming an important center of fish trading with an access to the fishing areas of Scania. Its area of effect as an economic center encompassed Pomerania, New Marchy, and Brandenburgia, and since the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries - also Polish lands. By the end of the 15th century, Szczcin became the capital city of the West Pomerania, and by the end of the 19th century, an industrial city. Its area and population grew significantly when serving as the main seaport of Berlin.

Currently the seaport in Szczecin is the largest river port in the Ordra basin that comprises such rivers as Warta, Noteć and Nysa ‎‎‎Lużycka. In accordance with the Act on Sea Areas of the Republic of Poland and Sea Sdministration, the seaport in Szczecin belongs to the ports of key importance to the national economy

Ask about offer details

Sales Office
Dana Hotel
1st floor, room 114
50 Aleja Wyzwolenia street
71-500 Szczecin

Office hours:
Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Phone: +48 91 817 21 72
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